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Intake Date

Available Courses

Personal Details

Visa - Are You in Australia now?

Address in Australia

Address in Home Country

Emergency Contact

Educational Qualifications


Current English Level

Is English your First Language?
Please Provide evidence of your English language proficiency.

Recognition Of Prior Learning

Are you willing to apply for RPL (Recognition Of Prior Learning).
Plesae review our handbook for further information. Submit relevant documentation/Academic Transcripts for assessment. College will confirm if your RPL is granted.

Additional Services

Do you require airport pickup?
Do you require assistance with accomodation?
Do you consider yourself to have a disablity, impairment or a long-term health condition?

Check List

Completed all sections of this application form?
Attached/enclosed certificed copied of your passport visa?

Maximum file size: 516MB


Maximum file size: 516MB

Attached/enclosed certificed copies of your qualifications?
File Upload

Maximum file size: 516MB

Attached/enclosed certificed copies of English language proficiency?
File Upload

Maximum file size: 516MB

Kindly send all required documents to:

If Student Under Age


Please confirm the following prior to signing the application form:

  1. All information provided in the application form is accurate and complete. I recognise that failure to furnish accurate information or documentation pertaining to this application may lead to the revocation of my enrollment.
  2. I am aware that the College is obligated to submit my personal data to the national VET administrative collection in accordance with regulatory reporting requirements.
  3. I understand and consent to the College's potential disclosure of personal information to third parties and various government entities as and when required.
  4. I have reviewed Southern Lights International College’s Student Information guide and comprehend the course prerequisites, fee structures, and refund policy.
  5. I agree to update the College Authority for any changes in my status such as Visa, Address, email, phone number, etc.
  6. I have read and understand the pre-enrollment information and agree to abide by any policy procedure set out in the student handbook.
  7. I have read and understand the description of the course, fees payable, the duration, the attendance requirements including any work-placement component, and the training and/or assessment requirements and believe that I have been fully informed about the course I will be undertaking.
Read and ticked/signed the declaration ?