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Student Support

“SLIC” offers comprehensive student support systems that significantly enhance the overall learning experience and well-being of our students. These components are meticulously designed to aid students in their academic journey, foster personal development, and prepare them for their future careers. Below are some key elements of educational support offered at our college:

  1. Academic Advising:

Pre enrolment academic advising is available at the College Campus. Student can navigate their academic programs, schedule, and choose appropriate units to plan academic progress.

  1. Tutoring Services:

Tutoring programs provide additional support for students who may need help with specific subjects or academic skills. Tutors can be available for various subjects and often conduct one-on-one or group sessions during the Term Breaks.

  1. Library Services:

College libraries offer resources such as books, journals, and online databases to support students’ research and prepare for assessments. Student Service assist students in accessing and utilizing these resources on campus and online resources.

  1. LLN Support:

LLN support is designed to assist individual student, especially those who may struggle with language, literacy, or numeracy skills, to improve their proficiency in these areas. Student may take this opportunity at the college campus.

  1. Counseling and Mental Health Services:

College counseling services offer mental health support, counseling, and resources to address students’ emotional and psychological well-being. This service is available by appointment only.

  1. Accessibility Services:

Reasonable adjustment options are available for students with disabilities to ensure equal access to educational opportunities. This may include extended testing time, resubmission of assessments and additional learning support.

  1. Student Success Programs:

The college regularly organises programs and workshops centered around enhancing study skills, time management, and various crucial academic and life skills, all of which play a significant role in fostering students’ overall success.

  1. Technology Support:

Colleges often provide technical support for students, helping them navigate online learning platforms, troubleshoot computer issues, and access necessary software and provide basic awareness of working with MS office.

  1. Classroom Facilities:

Spacious classrooms equipped with ample lighting, computers, video projectors, and other necessary facilities cater to the needs of all students. Additionally, there is an on-campus IT lab accessible to all students for various assessment tasks and academic purposes.